Pierce Kennedy Corcoran
Pierce Kennedy Corcoran, 22 yrs old killed Dec. 29, 2018 in Knoxville, Tennessee by Illegal Alien FRANCISCO EDUARDO FRANCO-CAMBRANY. Charged with criminally neglect Homicide.
Our 22-year old son, Pierce, was killed in a head on car crash on Chapman Highway in Knoxville at 6:33 p.m. An undocumented, unlicensed, uninsured illegal alien crossed a double yellow centerline causing the multi-vehicle crash taking our sons life and injuring his girlfriend, Jade.
The illegal alien, Cambrany had been in the US 14 years. His 19-year old son and 3 others were also in his vehicle. Cambrany nor his 3 passengers were injured. None of them rendered aid to our son or Jade or others affected by his actions.
Cambrany was arrested and charged with Criminally Negligent Homicide. He was granted bond but thankfully Knox County has 287G in place and an on-duty ICE agent. Cambrany made bond but was taken into custody before he could flee. Several court hearings took place in the following weeks. At the first hearing his bond was revoked, and another hearing scheduled. The 2nd hearing bond was reinstated, and the case bound over to the grand jury.
Cambrany remained in ICE custody as deportation proceeding began. Cambrany was transferred to Louisiana to await deportation. In the meantime, we awaited the case to be heard by Knox county grand jury. Our hope was the grand jury would reach a decision before his deportation took place. On May 6, 2019 the grand jury returned and upheld the Criminally Negligent Homicide charge but Cambrany was deported and reunited with his family on April 8th. On June 9, 2019 a warrant was issued for Cambranys arrest to stand trial for our son’s death which can only happen if he is found back in the US or turns himself in. We pray it doesn’t take another American citizens life lost in order for Cambrany to be held accountable for the loss of our precious son Pierce.