Illegal Immigrants Get $10.5 Billion from Child Tax Credit in Reconciliation; More than Previously Estimated

By Steven A. Camarota | Center for Immigration Studies

Illegals with both U.S.-born & illegal immigrant children will benefit, as will recent border-crossers

In an October analysis, we estimated that illegal immigrants would receive $8.2 billion in cash payments from the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC), which is part of budget reconciliation bill, also referred to as the Build Back Better (BBB) Act. That analysis assumed cash payments would be limited to illegal immigrants with U.S.-born children, as is the case with the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) it replaces. But the current version of the BBB Act repeals p. 1,452, line 14, the requirement that children claimed as dependents need Social Security numbers (SSNs). As a result, illegal immigrants whose children are illegal immigrants as well will receive an estimated $1.5 billion in payments from the new program.