Border Patrol Agents are Frustrated and Exhausted as the Crisis Rages On

By Madison McQueen | FAIR

Since President Joe Biden took office, apprehensions at the southern border have skyrocketed, reaching nearly 179,000 in April alone. This year-to-date, 749,613 migrants have been apprehended, a 196 percent increase from this point in FY 2020. Furthermore, it is important to remember that these numbers do not include all of the migrants who enter the United States undetected.

With no end in sight, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and U.S. Border Patrol agents are growing more and more frustrated with President Biden’s handling of the crisis as agents are overwhelmed, understaffed and exhausted. So much so that according to a Reuters report, many agents are considering early retirement and others have begun referring to themselves as ‘U.S. Welcome Patrol.’